Anna Sharifi, a Danish-Iranian former jazz singer turned Berliner with a bent towards the
electronic club scene met fellow-Dane Nina Branner, an indie rocker by heart, in 2015.
Together they have created a new kind of raw “club-pop”, where industrial beats, playful
organ, synthesizer and powerful vocals merge.
“The band doesn’t chase easy solutions or empty hooks but, on the contrary, content:
Good songs and exiting productions,” wrote the music magazine GAFFA.
The past two years, uon has made appearances on small and big stages in Copenhagen
and Berlin, and have built up a loyal dance audience at their home stage “It’s a BAR” in
Early in 2018 Kirstine Kjeldsen, a musician, sound artist and sound designer, joined uon
to play a line of concerts, the first being Copenhagen Jazz Festival in July 2018. The
band thus performs as a duo or a trio depending on the location and circumstances.